Week 31: It's Getting Chile in Here

So this week's adventure has been getting to know my new companion and not getting too ridiculously lost in the area. So far it's been awesome and we've met a ton of awesome people.

First, I would like to introduce Sister Marchioni. She's from Chile which means her native language is Spanish, but she speaks Portuguese with almost no accent and is also conversational in English. If Sister K. Souza was the Brazilian Mary Poppins, Sister Marchioni is Audrey Hepburn. Seriously. She's adorable and very chic (it was several days before I saw her without eyeliner... ela é sempre muito chic). She is super warm and loving toward all of the people we're teaching and it is honestly a joy to be around her. Oh, and did I mention? She just left training. Seriously. Like, she has spent barely three months in the field. In short, I'm very impressed.

The area is also awesome. We met the ward yesterday and it really reminded me of home. There are a lot of people and everyone is super welcoming and kind, and the primary kids all had a lesson on missionary work and they all came out with little tags that said "Future Missionary" in place of the name.

We're teaching a good group of people. The only difficulty is that almost all of the couples need to get married. So that's slowed some things down but we're moving forward, and we have some individuals who are excited to learn more, too.

(Also, not to complain or anything, but we were teaching this guy in my last area and he was totally awesome. He was reading the Book of Mormon and asking awesome questions, and last week he went to Stake Conference and stayed afterwards for a baptism, where he asked when he could be baptized, too. So in short, he's golden, and he was baptized yesterday (a week after I was transferred out of the area)... I'm so happy for him; I just wish I could have been a part of it.)

So in conclusion it's been an awesome week and I'm looking forward to an awesome transfer. I know that the church is true and that God really loves each one of His children, and that only by purifying ourselves of sin through the atonement of Christ we can return to Him and experience the joy he wants us to feel. I know this and I love this, and I'm very grateful to have so many opportunities to teach and bear my testimony of His plan of salvation.

Here we have me, my companion (Sister Marchioni), Sister Larsen (from Utah), and Sister Sales (who just arrived here from Piaui (the north east of Brasil) and who also has a birthday today)

Love you all!
Sister Hannah Hiatt

P.S. Send me eyeliner so I can be as chic as my companion

Sister Hannah Hiatt
Av Dr. Luís Rocha Miranda, 159
8º Andar
04344-010 São Paulo - SP


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