Week 21: In Which Not Much Happens

Woot woot, what a week! Nothing huge happened, which is to say that every day is just regular awesome instead of holy-guacamole-awesome (like when you get to hear from a general authority.... I guess this week is the calm before the storm (I'm so so excited for General Conference! I'm betting they'll change it so missionaries choose how long they serve))).

So this week I've been spending a lot of time studying the Plan of Salvation, and something clicked. Everything we hope to obtain-- happiness, joy, knowledge, confidence, purpose-- is a gift of the Spirit. When we're doing things right we feel the Spirit, which is like looking through a window to heaven. We feel peace, love, comfort, confidence, and things make more sense. But then we end the prayer, shut the scriptures, leave the temple, and the world creeps back in with all of the frustrations and uncertainty and problems. The whole point of this world is to teach us how to move past the sins, frustrations, and cares that separate us from the Spirit.

The awesome part is that God explained exactly how we can create a heaven on earth. We just need to keep the commandments and keep returning to God. When we're following his guidance, searching for His light and doing everything we can to absolve ourselves of darkness, we can prepare for the Kingdom of God. This is the blessing of repentance. This is why we are here. When we excercise our faith, repent of our sins and try each day to be more like Christ, when we're baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost we can feel this peace all the time. And from there we just need to keep returning to Him when other things get in the way, pressing forward with patience and faith, always learning and improving and getting closer each and every day until one day we meet God again.

Love y'all! I hope everyone has an awesome week! Don't forget to watch Conference this week! Rumor has it something wild's going to happen with the missionaries.... stay tuned.

Sister Hiatt

P.S. Send me brown contact lenses so I can blend in with the natives

Sister Hannah Hiatt
Av Dr. Luís Rocha Miranda, 159
8º Andar
04344-010 São Paulo - SP


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