Week 24

Feliz Pascoa! I hope everyone had a good week and an awesome Easter. We had Stake Conference and it was a really good spiritual uplift. They spoke a lot about the life of Christ and especially about the atonement, and it was really powerful. In the Garden of Gethsemany, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. He suffered all the pain, all the guilt, all the hurt we have ever felt and will ever feel, and because of his sacrifice we can repent and become pure and clean again. It is only through His grace (and our daily efforts to accept His atonement and repent) that we can return to God's presence. 

Also the Ward Mission Leader gave us chocolate eggs so it was just a really good day all around.

Today is transfers, and I'll be leaving Riberão Pires (my first area!)! I'll be with a new companion (who will also be new to the area), and we'll have to find our way around and meet new people. It'll be an adventure, but sounds like we'll be living with two other Sisters who have already been there a while, so hopefully we won't get too lost... haha. My companion spent a day there on splits and loved it, and I passed the day with one of the Sisters there and in short, it's going to be a good time. I'm very excited and I think it'll be a positive change.

The other highlight of this week was that I finally got my hair cut, and it's nice and short now.

I don't have a ton of time this week (I still need to finish packing...) but know that I love you all and I love the Lord. I'm learning so much and changing into someone better, and I am so grateful for His hand in my life.


Sister Hannah Hiatt

Here we have Elder Rodriguez (one of the Zone leaders, from Mexico), Elder Bledsoe (the other LZ, from the good ol' US of A), Elder Gonza (the District Leader, from Argentina) and Elder Torres (from São Paulo and Recife, Brasil). In the front is Sister Reis (from Manaus), Sister Rodrigues (from Paraná), Sister K. Souza (my companion and also the Sister Training Leader) and me (don't know if y'all still remember... it's been a while)
I am a beautiful butterfly.... and there are some pretty swanky murals in our area that make for good photo ops

In Português, the Book of Mormon is called the Livro de Mórmon, or LDM. My companion and I thought this shop was very fitting
Believe it or not, out of the million pictures we took of the Zone, this one was the best. No, I do not know what Elder Torres was doing with the baby doll, and I'm slightly scared to ask

P.S. Send me a big ol' balloon to assuage the weight of my suitcase... who knew clothes and scriptures could be so heavy?

Sister Hannah Hiatt
Av Dr. Luís Rocha Miranda, 159
8º Andar
04344-010 São Paulo - SP


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