Week 38: Baptism by Fire

No, I don't have an awesome story where something caught on fire. They light fires in the streets sometimes but they don't hurt anything and I'm used to it now. I just wanted to say that Rosita and Samanta were confirmed yesterday. 

Not a ton else happened this week. We met a teen who is a little Pastor, who has already read the entire bible. We taught the Restoration and talked about the Book of Mormon and he got really curious. He was curious enough to go to church with us yesterday, where he met some guys who know the bible better than I do who could answer some of his deep questions. He kind of just wants to Bible-bash but he's starting to understand that it really is true. We'll see where he goes.

Also we had a Zone Conference. It was pretty cool. We learned things.
There was this tree thing in the chapel where we had the conference and I thought it looked pretty swanky.
So as missionaries, we have a few lessons that we teach, but our Mission President is helping us to break out of the pattern and follow the Spirit more to explain more of what the investigator needs and less of a rote recitation. He made these posters to show that we can go from principle to principle regardless of the order in the book or which lesson we started with. It's a lot better this way and I think it's more relevant and spiritual to focus on what the investigators need. Anyway. We're practicing. 

"Deixe os seus problemas nas aguas do batismo" or in other words, "leave your problems in the waters of baptism."

I think that's about it. We're doing well, learning lots, and having a wild time.

Love you all!

Sister Hannah Hiatt

P.S. Send me a sweater because it does in fact get cold here in the winter

Sister Hannah Hiatt
Av Dr. Luís Rocha Miranda, 159
8º Andar
04344-010 São Paulo - SP

Bonus from the editor: Here is a picture Hannah drew on the white board a couple weeks ago. It says, "Did you know that Jesus Christ was in the Americas?"


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