Week 41: Photo Dump

This week not a ton happened but we did a photo shoot in the park so please enjoy some cute photos

(I hope we didn't look too touristy... oops)

T06 Companheiras Plaquetas.JPG

T06 Flor Amarelo.JPG

T06 Plaqueta.JPG

T06 Comp Plaquetas.JPG

T06 Flor Rosa.JPG



There's a cool statue thing that says SANTO ANDRÉ and it's pretty cool, except that it's huge and tricky to take pictures. Anyway, we tried

T06 SA Coração.JPG

T06 SantoAndreOlha.JPG

T06 Santo Andre.JPG

I don't know if we have this in the States,but here we have this chocolate called BIS that's like a chocolate wafer thing. Anyway, they started doing this thing where each wrapper has a design and if you glue them all together it makes a cool picture. So I may have eaten a little too much chocolate this week but we've got three neat picture things

T06 Bis Amazonas.JPG

T06 Bis Zombie 2.JPG

T06 Bis.JPG

I think that's it (or at least, here are all the good ones. We took a ton)
Hope everyone has an awesome week! Enjoy the sun before everyone returns to school

Love y'all!

Sister Hiatt

P.S. Send me a new camera. One that can handle a ton of sun without wrecking the photo

Sister Hannah Hiatt
Av Dr. Luís Rocha Miranda, 159
8º Andar
04344-010 São Paulo - SP


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