Week 59: I've Had a Really Nice Time Livin' the Mission in its Prime

A few things that happened this week:

My companion officially has been on the mission one month!

I gave a talk (and did not in fact vomit on the pulpit because of the nerves! I survived and a few sweet souls even said that they liked it)!

We went to help out a companionship in our Zone (and got super lost but that's fine)!

It was Christmas and our whole teaching group went to the beach and/or Grandma's house and so there was, like, no one here and was kinda lonely but we got to call home so that was fine!

The girl we've been teaching (who also has been travelling for Christmas so we haven't been able to follow up with her for a while) called our Ward Mission Leader and marked her own baptism, so that'll happen Saturday

And yeah. It's been a good week. The Internet café we use is going to close early for New Years so that's all for today kids, but remember, God made you special, and He loves you very much.

Sister Hiatt

Also I bought clothes in Brasil but I wanted to show off that I'm still an American girl at heart


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